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mardi, 27 octobre 2009

PETER VON POEHL - The story of the impossible

Encore un avec une voix absolument bluffante. Cette chanson, issue de son premier album (Going To Where The Tea-Trees Are), est certainement la plus connue de son répertoire. Il en a pourtant fait d'autres vraiment sympas. A écouter si vous aimez le style !

Whatever happened to the great escape
The finest enemy.
Crafted with pride by monsters on the train.
The world is great to suckus

We have The Story Of The Impossible
A tale passed on so frail
One of make-belief
Maybe impossible to achieve
And really close

Who sew the lion's hungry in the cage
With the confidance of a clown
The little man who rises on the stage
As he falls without a safety net

We have The Story Of The Impossible
A tale passed on so frail.
One of make-belief
Maybe impossible to achieve
And really close

Whatever happened to the great escape
And all the plans we make
Crafted with pride by Monsters on the train.
The world is great to suckus

We have The Story Of The Impossible
A tale passed on so frail.
One of make-belief
Maybe impossible to achieve
But oh so close

18:09 Publié dans Muzzik | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)

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